Apple says iPhone 6 pre-orders set new overnight record


Apple today revealed that overnight pre-orders for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus set a new record, suggesting that consumers are indeed eager to get their hands on larger iPhones along with new features like Apple Pay, Apple\’s mobile payments platform. \”Response to iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has been incredible with a record number of preorders overnight,\” an Apple spokesperson told Recode in a statement. That demand probably has something to do with the problems users experienced when trying to reserve an iPhone from Apple\’s web store last night. AT&T has also said it\’s seeing more demand at this early stage than it did for overnight pre-orders of the iPhone 5 and last year\’s iPhone 5S.

So that\’s positive news for Apple, though \”overnight\” is an awfully tiny sample size. It\’s too early to predict whether iPhone 6 will go on to break the company\’s previous opening weekend pre-order records. Apple typically issues a press release on the Monday after it begins taking orders to boast about good news. In 2012, for example, the company announced that iPhone 5 pre-orders surpassed the two million mark in just 24 hours. So if iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus keep up this level of momentum, you can expect to hear more about it early next week. Both iPhones will be released on September 19th.

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