Contributing to Mozilla Aurora Tamil

Hey all ,

After putting a lot of effort in spreading the word about the making of Mozilla Aurora Tamil (simply Tamil version of Firefox ) , I am getting good response from the interested candidates. In order to help them to get started , I am doing this blog post with step by step instructions to be followed to add their value contribution to Aurora Tamil . Let’s start the things straight away ,

Step 1 :

Even though you can signup separately on the Narro tool (tools used in our localization effort )but it will be better if you use browserid , which  can also be used to sign in on most of other Mozilla related stuff’s : ) (i.e no separate registration is needed ) .

So , to a get browser-id jump to instead just make a click here . you will get a window as shown below :



Click on the signup button , you will get a window that prompts you to  enter your E-mail address as shown below :



Once you entered your mail address and made a click on Verify Email button , you will get a new page that prompts you to choose password for your browserid account and make click on Verify Email button . (Hint : better choose a password that differs completely from your E-mail account password )


Next , a confirmation mail and a verification link to finish the signup process will be sent to the given E-mail address . So , checkout your inbox for it.


Once you made a click on the verification link on the mail , your account will be verified and ready to get used


Now , you’re done with Browser id \":)\"

Step 2 :

You need to find a way to type the words in Tamil with less effort right ? I know every one is good in using Tunglish , then you’re all set to contribute : ) Before that , you need to download Google Transliteration  IME that translate words in Tamil when you type in Tunglish on it . ( Eg : you can get the word ???? when you type RAJ using Google Transliteration IME..! too simple right : )  )

What are you waiting for , get google transliteration IME (for Tamil )now by visiting or simply click here. You will get a page as in the following snapshot .


On the page , make a click near on the check box of your appropriate language ( in my case it will be Tamil ) also accept Google terms and policies before you make a click on the download button : )

You will get a popup , requesting your confirmation to download a binary file . Click Save and let the file to get downloaded : )


Run the downloaded file , you may get a waring just click run . Now , the required packages will start downloading once it was done you will get a confirmation message.

You check the IME installation on your machine by investigating your taskbar where you can find EN , make a click on it you should see Tamil on the popup : )


That’s enough with Google transliteration IME. Let’s get into the main part of localizing strings : )

Step 3 :

Jump to Tamil Aurora project page on Narro tool with or simply click here. You will get a page as below :



Next make a click on Sign in , you can find it at he top right corner this will take you the login page where you can find multiple ways to sign in . In your case , you are going to use the browser id created in the earlier steps : )


Next you’ll get a popup window from browser id prompting you to enter your E-mail id and the password ( the one entered during the creation of browser id in the earlier steps )


Once you entered the required credentials it will automatically sign you in and takes to the preference page , set the things as you wish before you click save : )


Once your preferences are saved make a click on cancel next to the save button on the same page , this will take you to the project page where you have to choose Firefox aurora also make sure the language to be translated is Tamil. Better refer the snap shot below : )


When you click on the Firefox Aurora , it will take you to Aurora project page there click on the translate tab in which you can find the strings to be translated : )



Next , choose the desired language on the installed IME (in your case it will be tamil ) , make a click on the text box below the english string and type the appropriate word in Tamil . Don’t forget to click save before you move on to the next string : ) Check out the snapshot below to get a clear idea.



If you don’t know ,Tamil equivalent words for English strings not to worry. You can use google translate on or click here.



That’s it…Yahooo….! You’re now ready to contribute for our mission “Aurora Tamil ” \":-)\"


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