Distorted Facebook message saves woman\’s life

A woman is having what is believed to be a stroke. She manages to drag her laptop toward her and sends an almost incomprehensible call-for-help Facebook message to her husband.


Fleur Costello of Leatherhead, England, is the Facebook Queen. At least that\’s what her friends call her. The 40-year-old is always on the site.

She was online recently when she felt dizzy and was falling unconscious. Soon she was on the floor, partially paralyzed.

There was no phone within reach, so she grabbed at the sheets of her bed and clawed her laptop back toward her. Her Facebook page was still open.

Desperately, she wrote this message to her husband: \”help faintef cannoi get up uhrlp gurt h4ead.\”

It so happens that her husband, Karl Equi, \”can\’t stand\” Facebook. But he\’d been trying to call her. So, as he told the Sun, he decided to look at Facebook for once. His wife is the Facebook Queen after all.

He saw the message, which was supposed to read: \”Help, fainted, cannot get up, help, hurt head.\”

All he understood was that something was wrong. So he replied: \”Wtf? hello on way.\”

\”We\’ve been married 13 years and I knew this was no joke, so I left work straight away,\” he told the Sun.

He called the emergency services as well as a neighbor, who broke her way into the house.

Fleur Costello survived what is believed to have been a stroke, and her story echoes that of another woman whose muddled text messages recently led to medical treatment. Costello can expect to ring in the New Year with hope and is expected to return to being the Facebook Queen shortly.

The whole Facebook escapade now makes for a good story.

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