Fun with LinkedIn Password Guessing

On June 6th, something like 6 million LinkedIn passwords were leaked. At the very least they weren’t storing them in plaintext, but they also didn’t use a particularly great hashing algorithm (SHA1) and they didn’t use any salts, much less a per-user salt. Anyway, you can read more about that other places, this post is about having fun guessing some of the leaked passwords.

I used the LinkedIn compromised password checker from LastPass for this testing rather than because being all ajaxy and web 2.0 it was much faster to test a lot of passwords in a row.

This is not comprehensive in any category (I just messed around until I got bored) and this isn’t meant to prove anything; we already know that people use really bad passwords.

The Most Obvious

  • “linkedin”

Some Personal Favorites

  • “steveblows”
  • “mathsux” (note: “mathsucks” was not found)
  • “biodome”


  • “jesusrules”
  • “godrules”
  • “godgod”
  • “jesusjesus”
  • “virginmary”
  • “saintpaul”
  • “stpaul”
  • “stpeter”
  • “stpatrick”
  • “stjoseph”
  • “stmichael”


  • “fuckshit”
  • “goddammit”
  • “fuckyou”
  • “fuck you”
  • “fuckingshit”
  • “shitbox”
  • “asshole”


  • “weed420”
  • “420420”
  • “acidacid”
  • “lsdlsd”
  • “beerbeer”
  • “40ounces”
  • “40ounce”
  • “beerbong”
  • “bongbong”
  • “hashish”
  • “blunts”
  • “danknugs”
  • “smoke420”
  • “smokeweed”
  • “mushrooms”
  • “angeldust”
  • “crackhead”
  • “ecstacy”
  • “methmeth”
  • “drugdealer”
  • “heroin”
  • “dimebag”


  • “deepthroat”
  • “twogirls”
  • “goatse”
  • “lemonparty”
  • “romney”
  • “vagina”
  • “penispenis”

Keyboard Patterns

  • “qwerty” (obviously)
  • “asdfasdf”
  • “zxcvzxcv”
  • “jkl;jkl;”
  • “aqwsaqws”
  • “123456”
  • “654321”
  • “123123”
  • “111111”
  • \”!@#$%^\”

Things Found On A Desk

  • “cocacola”
  • “bicpen”
  • “printer”
  • “sharpie”
  • “keyboard”
  • “computer”
  • “mousemouse”
  • “monitor”
  • “headphones”
  • “mountaindew”
  • “coffeecup”
  • “beerbottle”
  • “lamplamp”
  • “uniball”
  • “finepoint”
  • “binder”

Movies & Movie Stars

  • “zetajones”
  • “paxton”
  • “sigourney”
  • “weaver”
  • “seanconnery”
  • “clooney”
  • “keanureeves”
  • “stevemartin”
  • “chevychase”
  • “ilovelamp”
  • “anchorman”
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