Power Searching with Google – Class – 2 – Interpreting results

Lesson : 2.1 – When search results suggest something new

– Utilize information in Knowledge Graph panels, Instant results, Suggestions, and Related Searches when they appear
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3n-_LC_wWc]


Lesson : 2.2 – Thinking more deeply about your search

– Recognize when search results are offering information that suggests a better/additional search.
– Use \”define\” to identify the meaning of words.
– Use dictionary mode to define words that do not appear in traditional dictionaries.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-U6Dwj7jdc]


Lesson 2.3 – Understand options for different media

– Use image search when it appears in search results, and use related image search to refine results.
– Refine results by using different media types like videos and news.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TcrHV1kums]


Lesson : 2.4 -Reading the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

– Use the page preview tool to preview results pages.
– Identify the parts of a search engine result: title, web address, and snippet/abstract.
– Use links within the search engine results to go directly to a sub-page of the site.
– Use the site: operator to restrict results to a domain, website, or directory.
– Interpret a search engine results page.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpT4uPfRH0E]


Lesson : 2.5 – Different kinds of content

– Find different kinds of content efficiently: blogs, discussions, recipes, patents, books, 3D models, scholarly sources, and legal documents.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNrzmvPA1Zo]

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