10 Fresh Tools For Web Developers

 The job of a web developer and designer has never been easy. A web designer has to maintain the creativity along with efficiency in coding. However, availability of endless resources for web developers and designers can help them build websites faster and better. Today we have listed top ten new frameworks that can help you design and deploy your web product in less time.

1. Hyhyhy:

Hyhyhy is a beautiful minimalistic tool for HTML5 presentations. You can develop nice looking presentation in HTML5 using Hyhyhy. This tool offers number of features that can ease your coding efforts. Hyhyhy features Markdown, Nested slides, Math typesetting, Compatiblity, JavaScript API, Syntax highlighter, convenient skeleton. Hyhyhy supports all major browsers.

2. Type Connection:

You can use Type connection to learn how to pair interfaces. This is a Javascript based game that lets you join the characters to build the site. You can start by choosing typeface to pair. Type Connection suggests potential dates for each character. You can learn how to pair typefaces in an interesting way via Type Connections.

3. ECharts:

ECharts is a library of comprehensive charts. You can use these already existing full-fledged interactive charts for your commercial products. ECHarts is based on ZRender canvas library system. ECharts offer coordinate system, legend, tooltip, toolbox and other basic components. The tool offers support for line, column, scatter, pie, radar, candlestick chord, gauge, funnel, map and force directed charts. You can combine all this in one chart also.

4. Hover States:

Hover States is collection of new and interesting user interfaces and interaction designs. The tool was designed to create the source of inspiration for designers and developers. It is library of amazing work by people. Hover States is focused on interaction design that moves and behaves the way designer wants.

5. Apache Aurora:

Apache Aurora is basically a Mesos framework for services and cron jobs. Aurora runs applications and services on cross platform devices. Apache Aurora maintains all the apps and services on the web. Aurora reschedules machine failure jobs on healthy machines. Aurora is pool of shared machines.

6. Titon Toolkit:

Titon Toolkit is collection of user interface components and utility classes. Tito helps you build responsive, mobile and modern web UI in efficient way. The components in Titon Toolkit represent HTML, CSS and Javascript functionality for page specific elements. Toolkit uses HTML5 for semantics, CSS3 for styles and animation Sass for CSS pre-processing, Gulp for task and package management and new browser APIs for JavaScript layer.

7. Responsive Dashboard Templates Bootstrap:

Dashboard template bootstrap can help you in building analytics dashboard. You don’t need to start from scratch. You can use existing keen IO templates to admire the data in minutes. Creating attractive and custom analytics dashboard under few minutes is possible with this tool.

8. Squire:

Squire HTML5 based text editor. The tool supports all the browsers out there. The flexibility of the tool makes it worth using for any platform. Squire is built for present and future browsers. It doesn\’t support old versions of browsers. You can use Squire to code in HTML5.

9. Typesettings.css:

This tool can help you in building boilerplate for your minimal clean website or blog design. Typesettings.css has library of typographic styles. These styles are based on traditional graphic design fundamentals. You can include typesettings.css in header section of main stylesheet and then add “typesettings” class in article element.

10. Libscore:

This tool is capable of scanning top million sites on the web to collect JavaScript library usage. Using Libscore is fairly simple. You can simply enter the case-sensitive variable of library in search box. Libscore aggregates the data and provides numbers to open source developers. Libscore can scan third-party modules like RequireJS, jQuery plugins, window variables produced by non-jQuery library and some cross domain scripts.

Source: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=158411

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