A Panipat, Haryana based 16-year-old lad has brought out new light in innovation through his extraordinary skills. The lad has created an innovative contraption which is capable of turning breath signals into speech. This innovation has been done through Morse code.
The young talent, named Arsh Shah Dilbagi, is the only finalist from Asia who has been selected for Google Science Fair, 2014. Arsh has also given a name to his innovation, “Talk”. Arsh has stressed the fact that the device is aimed at helping speech impaired and paralysed people in their communication process. It has also been stated by Arsh that this is the fastest and cheapest gadget, of the same kind.
The device will provide support to disabilities like Locked-In Syndrome and ALS. It uses signals from a person’s breath via Morse code, which is picked up by a sensor. Then the signal is converted into speech. Talk, the device, is categorised under Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices and it costs INR 5,000 or $80. Arsh is a student of DAV International School in Panipat. So basically Talk takes inputs from your breath and reads it in form of Morse code.
The device works in two modes – it communicates in English and the other one gives some particular commands and phrases. Nine different voices are supported by the device, according to gender and age. Arsh had an exclusive conversation with The Times of India when he mentioned that he is looking forward to further improvements in his invention soon. He wants to add auto-predictions in his computing device and also wants to integrate Talk’s functions with Google Glass.
Arsh introduces himself as a fan of applied science. He has also decided to request Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Health Minister Harshvardhan to help his project have a wide release in India.
Reposted from www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=148114